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My wife started AirBnB-ing the basement of the house we rent a few months ago. This coincided with her making big strides in her recovery from a very bad, very disabling anxiety disorder that flamed up early 2022.
Several things have been interesting about running an AirBnB:
- Seeing my wife regain abilities that neither she nor I were certain would come back. She sort of abandoned herself to the AirBnB project and on a tight budget did an amazing job of furnishing the unit and organizing the zillions of little details needed to make it functional and nice. Along the way she developed new abilities too and regained a lot of confidence in herself.
- Promptgramming a little app that scrapes price data for all the local hotels and shows this data visually along with event data for local music and football events so that I can vary prices for our AirBnB in sync with hotel prices, which I see as a pretty good way to easily increase the revenue that our AirBnB generates.
- Finally, probably most interesting and most profound: the firsthand experience of selling something that a crowd of people already want and are happy to pay the asking price for. Our unit is almost booked solid through the end of the season this year. I've been self-employed since 2008 and I don't think I've ever had that same experience as a self-employed person.
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